In 2019, Federal Judiciary Seeks Funding and Cost-Saving Successes.

Representatives of the Federal Judiciary recently asked Congress to provide $7.22 billion in 2019 to fund continued operations of the judicial branch. The request includes funding to sustain cybersecurity initiatives and ensure sufficient security at federal courthouses.

“We ask that you consider the Judiciary’s unique constitutional role in our system of government,” said Judge John W. Lungstrum, chair of the Judicial Conference Committee on the Budget. “In return, we commit to you that we will continue to be good fiscal stewards, cutting costs where possible, spending each dollar wisely, and making smart investments to achieve long-term savings.”

Lungstrum testified before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government. He was joined by James C. Duff, director of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts. They presented the Judiciary’s budget request for fiscal year 2019, which starts October 1, 2018.

“I would like to acknowledge the subcommittee for its generous and consistent support of the Judiciary’s needs,” Duff said. “We hope to maintain your confidence and support through another year of successful performance of our constitutional and statutory duties and efficient stewardship of taxpayer resources through the continuation of our longstanding cost containment program.” The fiscal year 2019 budget request reflects an overall increase of 3.2 percent to maintain current services and to fund priority initiatives.

Lungstrum said the Judiciary is requesting $95 million for cybersecurity, saying that the Judiciary has moved aggressively to upgrade IT protections since 2015 cyber attacks compromised Office of Personnel Management records. “Inevitably, Judiciary systems have and will continue to be targeted, like numerous government and commercial entities worldwide,” Lungstrum said.

The Judiciary also is seeking increases for the defender services program to handle projected caseload and other priorities; additional funding to improve courthouse security; and funding to update PACTS, a national integrated database that helps probation and pretrial services officers supervise criminal offenders and defendants under community supervision.

Lungstrum’s and Duff’s statements each highlighted Judiciary initiatives to save money.

Lungstrum said the Judiciary recently surpassed its national 3 percent space reduction goal set in 2013. To date, that initiative has saved the Judiciary $25 million in annual rent costs. When combined with new policies negotiated by the Judiciary with the General Services Administration on how GSA appraises and charges for certain types of rental space, federal courts have achieved annual rent savings of nearly $80 million.

In addition, the Judiciary has worked to cut costs by encouraging court units to share common administrative functions. “Over 90 percent of all courts report having formal or informal/temporary sharing arrangements of some kind,” he said.

Lungstrum expressed concern in written testimony that proposed cuts to non-defense federal spending in fiscal year 2019 could significantly impact the Judiciary. Such cuts “would come at a time in which the Administration intends to increase border security and law enforcement activities, which will increase our workload,” he said.

He also thanked Congress for Judiciary funding levels in the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2018. The recently passed law, which funds the federal government for fiscal year 2018, included funding to increase the daily juror attendance fee from $40 to $50, raised hourly fees for private lawyers appointed to represent criminal defendants, and included GSA funding to build three top-priority courthouses.


Couples seeking divorce amid changing laws in 2019

Droves of couples seeking divorce are flooding courthouses across the country, apparently agreeing on one thing: Make it official by the end of the year.

Divorce attorneys are reporting that their workloads have increased four-fold, all to help their clients end their marriage by 2019 when changes from President Donald Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will be felt. The new law makes significant changes to the that alimony payments are taxed, reducing tax savings by eliminating deductions.

One Florida Judge is even adding extra court time, citing the change in tax law as the reason, and is making herself available on Dec. 27 and Dec. 28, days when the court would otherwise typically be closed, CBS MoneyWatch reported.

IRS data shows that about 586,000 filers claimed alimony deduction for the 2016 tax year, and the move is estimated to bring in $6.9 billion over the course of nine years, The Hill reports.

By the end of the year, divorce filings may be up as much as 20 percent over 2017, President of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers Peter M. Walzer told CBS MoneyWatch.

A majority of matrimonial lawyers believe that the changes to the law would lead to more contentious settlement negotiations.

However, the new tax code may affect fewer people, as divorce rates overall have fallen over the past several years.

New Year’s Eve 2019: Free rides and other ways home safely

Austin’s New Year’s Eve 2019 offered free rides and other ways to get home in safety.

As we all know, drunken driving at any level is illegal, reprehensible, dangerous, and just plain bad form. That’s a fact the Austin Police Department will bring home for you at all times, but especially on New Year’s Eve, when it’s an unfortunately common occurrence.

The department’s “no refusal” period for the holiday ran from 9 p.m. every night through 5 a.m. every morning, ending on New Year’s Day.

If you are suspected of driving while intoxicated during the period, officers will have more legal resources for obtaining a blood alcohol sample, even if you refuse to submit one. That’s not to mention the life- and injury-threatening position you put yourself, your passengers, and others in when you attempt to drive while drunk.

Fortunately, there are many options—including free or reduced ride-hailing prices and other ways to get to your destination—for Austinites to ring in the new year without all that danger. Here are a few of them.

Free public transportation

Austin’s Capital Metro extended its MetroRail and MetroRapid service until 2:30 a.m. New Year’s Eve/New Year’s Day as well as offering free rides on New Year’s Eve from 5 p.m. until the end of service. MetroBus lines are included in the free fares and operated on their regular weekday-service schedule.


RideAustin (a locally owned, nonprofit business), Lyft, and Uber currently operate in Austin.

From 8 a.m., Dec. 31, through 4 a.m., Jan. 1, Lyft riders got $5 off all rides in Texas. “NYEPLAN18” in the Lyft app.

The Lyft discount was part of the statewide “Plan Ahead, Ride Safe” initiative cosponsored by Lyft, AAA, TABC, Anheuser-Busch, and Silver Eagle Distributors


The four Austin cab companies, ATX Co Op, Austin Cab, Lone Star Cab, and Yellow Cab were out in force downtown and in nearby areas, including at taxi stands, via app in some cases, and (in theory) by telephone.

Way to go Austin for thinking of your inebriated citizens!!

4 laws that are bringing big changes to California in 2019

The new year means big changes for California’s criminal justice system. Several new laws that go into effect in 2019 have an emphasis on criminal and social justice reform. Here’s a look at four new laws that are changing the way things are done in California:


End of Cash Bail

California is getting rid of cash bail for suspects awaiting trial. Supporters contend it makes criminal justice fairer for people with little money, but bail agents are seeking a referendum to overturn the new law.

“We had to collect 365,000 signatures,” said Topo Padilla, president of the Golden State Bail Agents Association. “We collected 550,000. So, that’s 550,000 voters who signed a piece of paper saying, ‘Yes, let’s put this on the ballot and let us decide,’ rather than 120 legislators down there.”

The new law takes effect Oct. 1, 2019.

Judges will use a pretrial risk assessment to determine who should be released from jail. In most nonviolent misdemeanor cases, defendants would be out within 12 hours.

In other cases, defendants would be scored on the seriousness of crime – and how likely they are to show up for court.

The new law means up to 8,000 people working in the bail industry statewide will be out of work, according to Padilla.

“This is about public safety” Padilla said. “It’s not solely about saving our jobs. This is truly about public safety and getting rid of a constitutional right that people have.”


DUI Ignition Interlock Devices

In 2019, a new California law will impact drivers caught driving while intoxicated. The legislation aims to keep the roads safer, while still allowing those with DUI convictions to drive.

It all starts with a breathalyzer — a device that can be found on some 300,000 vehicles nationwide. The new law allows those convicted of DUI to keep their car and their license, but with an important safety restriction.

For Californians convicted of driving under the influence two times, there are now new rules of the road.

“Starting Jan. 1, individuals convicted of a DUI will only be able to regain their full driving privileges if they install an ignition interlock device in each of the vehicles they own,” said San Diego Assemblyman Todd Gloria.

Blowing into a breathalyzer measures the amount of alcohol in a driver’s system and prevents the car from starting unless the driver is sober.

The new law for ignition interlocks first began as a pilot program in Sacramento and three other counties. Industry experts said it showed a 74 percent reduction in repeat DUIs. Now, it’s getting rolled out statewide.

“Other states that have laws comparable to California indicate that a law like this should reduce around 15 percent of drunk driving fatalities,” said John Ulczycki, with the Coalition of Ignition Interlock Manufacturers.

Ulczycki projected that in California, the devices could save up to 100 lives a year.


Pot Convictions

The new year also means new liberties for thousands of Californians with pot convictions. Under a new law, the California Department of Justice must now review marijuana convictions that could be reduced or purged since voters approved Proposition 64.

It means a new beginning for many people convicted of possessing marijuana, something that is now legal under California law.

The new law is a follow up to Prop 64, passed by California voters in 2016, making recreational-use marijuana legal in California.

People with felonies or misdemeanors for cannabis-related offenses that were charged under Prop 64 can now petition the courts to reduce or remove those convictions.

“This is one of the reasons why we advocated for Proposition 64,” said Kimberly Cargile, executive director for A Therapeutic Alternative.

Cargile added that Prop 64 and the new law will “provide some reparations, some social justice, for the people that have been harmed by the war on drugs.”

The new law makes it easier for Californians with marijuana convictions to get housing and employment once those offenses are removed from their records.

Under the law, the DOJ must prepare a list of names by July 1 for submission to local district attorneys. The DA can challenge the findings, but if there’s no challenge, the courts can then remove or reduce the criminal conviction.


Prepaid Vote-By-Mail Ballots

There’s no denying that voting by mail is now much easier in California, thanks to a new law that allows ballots with prepaid postage.

It means you’ll never have to use a stamp. There’s one group that could especially benefit, according to Paul Mitchell, vice president of Political Data.

“If we eliminate postage for voting, you could potentially see more young people, who are mostly doing bills and paying things online, being able to return that ballot without having to worry about asking somebody where they can find a stamp,” Mitchell said.

Under the new law, counties can ask the state to reimburse them for the additional cost of paying for all the postage.

Kona, HI Courthouse Scheduled to Open Late Summer 2019

The Hawaii State Judiciary’s appropriations bill, including $5.8 million to get instrumentation and furnishings for the new Kona courthouse, passed final reading within the Senate and House of Representatives. The bill has been sent to Gov. David IgE for his review and thought.

“On behalf of the Hawaii State Judiciary, i would like to precise my deep appreciation to the Hawaii State general assembly for approving the funding required to outfit the new courthouse in Kona with instrumentation and furnishings,” aforesaid judge Mark E. Recktenwald. “We area unit happy to be ready to provide the West Hawaii community a full-service facility they can take care of all court-related matters in an exceedingly centralized, convenient, and secure setting.”

The facility is scheduled to open in late summer 2019. The general assembly previously approved a complete of $90 million for construction costswithin the 2014 and 2015 sessions. Groundbreaking for the project was in Gregorian calendar month 2016.

“The Judiciary is very grateful to any or all of the island legislators, particularly Rep. Nicole Lowen and subunit. Josh Green, still because the leadership of Senators Donovan Dela Cruz, Gil Keith-Agaran, and Brian Taniguchi, and Senate President Daffo Kouchi, and Representatives Sylvia Luke, Kyle Yamashita, Scott Nishimoto, and Speaker Scott Saiki,” said Chief Justice Recktenwald.

“I additionally wish to share my acknowledgment with the West Hawaii Bar Association, the Hawaii County Bar Association, and therefore the Hawaii State Bar Association for their ongoing support,” judge Recktenwald said. “Retired choose Daffo Ibarra, West Hawaii Bar President Payesko, and HSBA Representative from Kona Carol Kitaoka have been critical supporters.”

 “After years of conducting court business out of 3 separate locations, we are gratified that we will be better able to better serve the people of the west side by giving them the modern court facility they deserve ,” aforesaid Third Circuit Chief choose Greg Nakamura.

“The Kona community is looking forward to having a new courthouse, which is able to offer safety, efficiency and convenience that the existing three makeshift facilities cannot ,” said Rep. Nicole Lowen. “Securing this funding was essential to making sure the timely completion and opening of the Courthouse.”

“It was my honor to work hand-in-hand with the judge and the Judiciary to complete funding for this necessary project for the people of Kona,” said Sen. Josh Green. “This has been a priority for West Hawaii for a long time.”

“The West Hawaii Bar Association greatly appreciates the support of the general assembly, particularly our Big Island Caucus, in creating this required FF&E funding a reality,” Donna Payesko, president of the West Hawaii Bar Association.  “ The appropriation will ensure that the new courthouse will be fully furnished and ready to open next year. The Kona Judiciary complax are going to be an excellent asset to the West Hawaii Community and the West Hawaii Bar Association looks forward to its opening.”

The courthouse will be a three-story facility with five courtrooms, a law library and self-help center open to the community, conference rooms, holding cells, witness rooms, attorney interview rooms, and a grand jury meeting room. There will also be more than 250 parking stalls for the public.

A City with one New Years Drunk Driving Arrest.

Only one drunk driving arrest New Year’s Eve in Jackson County, MS records show.

With increased police presence on holidays and multiple ad campaigns warning motorists of the risks of impaired driving, maybe folks are finally getting down to get the message.

Only one driver was arrested for a suspected DUI on New Year’s Eve in Jackson County, Mississippi, consistent with the Jackson County Jail log.

The driver, a 23-year-old Blackman township man, was i was arrested and booked into the jail at 3:32 a.m., Jan. 1, by the Jackson local police department, records show.

Law enforcement throughout Jackson County told MLive/The Jackson Citizen Patriot it was a relatively quiet night.

Police throughout the state are cracking down on impaired driving following the national Law enforcement campaign “Drive Sober or Get pulled Over.”

The campaign emphasizes the dangers of impaired driving while aiming to drastically reduce crashes, fatalities and injuries on the roadways.

Indonesia Lombok Island Earthquake Death Toll Reaches 500

A terrific and horrible earthquake disaster hit off of Indonesia Lombok Island. This natural disaster has a death toll rate that is at 550 now. This earthquake hit Indonesia’s Lombok island as between July 29 and August 19.  This lead to more than 390,000 people displaced and 76,765 buildings were damaged.

The National Agency for Disaster Management spokesperson Sutopo Purwo Nugroho stated in a statement that majority of the fatalities, 466 people, were from the North Lombok municipality as the most affected area. The rest of the victims were from West Lombok, 40 as well as East Lombok, 31 from Central Lombok, and 29 in the provincial capital Mataram. Apart from it, almost seven people were killed on neighboring eastern Sumbawa island and two others on Bali island. It has been further stated that the agency’s main focus was distributing humanitarian aid to the hundreds of thousands of people that are currently in displacement camps. An Indonesian Armed Forces aircraft landed along with 100 assistance packages for families, and also 100 wheelchairs, 30,000 tents, and tarps. Camps are serving clean water, providing medical treatment and materials for shelter. Only helicopters and motorcycles have been able to access the steepest and most remote areas of the island, as landslides blocked most routes.

Lombok island did suffer hundreds of aftershocks since the 6.4-magnitude earthquake shook the region on July 29. Some of them are as strong as a magnitude-5.9. The most serious quake occurred on August 5 with a 6.9-magnitude, killing at least 460 people.

Indonesia sits on whats known as the “Pacific Ring of Fire”, as being an area of great seismic and volcanic activity where some 7,000 earthquakes that are mostly moderate, are recorded every year.

Fire in Spa Hotel Northeastern China Kills 19 People

Recently in North-Eastern China, a fire broke out in the spa hotel that killed almost 19 people.  This fire tore through a hot springs hotel in the northeastern Chinese city of Harbin that lead to killing 19 people and causing 23 others to be taken to the hospital.

According to the investigations, the fire at the four-story Bailong Hot Springs Leisure Hotel, a spa resort visited mainly by domestic tourists, broke out just after 4:30 a.m. It’s believed to have started in a kitchen on the second floor. The flames of the fire swept through an area of about 400 square meters before being extinguished after three hours, as more than 30 fire engines and 100 firefighters who rushed to the scene.  Firemen successfully rescue around 20 people who were trapped in the hotel and another 80 were evacuated from the building.

On another side, the casualties treated in hospital were in the 40 to 70 age range. The actual number of the people who are killed were not immediately available. Earlier reports stated the number to be 18 that has now reached 19 after a survivor died while in hospital. Local authorities said a legal representative of the hotel was in criminal custody for the sake of suspected fire safety negligence.

It is known that China has a pretty good record when it comes to the safety of the buildings and malls. China’s Ministry of Emergency Management said it would launch a nationwide fire safety inspections in buildings along with hotels, sauna, hospitals, schools and shopping malls.

Heartfelt condolences for the deaths, people, and families involved.

Woman Arrested for Drunk Driving after Police find Her Facebook Messages left open on computer in Hotel

In a recent reports, a woman was charged with drink driving after police found out with some of the incriminating messages on her Facebook page.

Just as after a car crash in Michigan, investigators said they tracked one of the alleged drivers to a nearby hotel. There they found a computer which was still logged into the woman’s Facebook page and open on a series of messages to another user. This woman had allegedly told her Facebook friend that she had been involved in a automobile accident and that she was drunk. At the time of the investigative questioning, the woman did admit to being involved but denied driving the vehicle and refused to tell them who had been driving.  In this incident, she was charged with driving with an expired driver’s license,  operating a motor vehicle while under the influence, and hence leaving the scene of an accident. Investigators had also stated that the hotel’s receptionist had told officers that the woman had admitted to driving the vehicle when it crashed and had been drinking. In short, her Facebook messages with the random person lead to her caught.

The woman admitted to having drunk alcohol about two hours before the crash and an initial breathalyzer test showed she had a blood alcohol level of 0.12 percent. Further investigations are being carried out by the side of the police and the women is still under investigation.

Woman Arrested for Drunk Driving after Police find Facebook Messages left open on computer in hotel

In a recent report, a woman was charged with drink driving after police found out with some of the incriminating messages on her Facebook page.

Just as after a car crash in Michigan, police investigators said they had tracked one of the alleged drivers to a nearby hotel. There they found a computer which was still logged into the woman’s Facebook page and open on a series of messages to another user. This woman had allegedly told her Facebook friend that she had been involved in a crash and that she was drunk. At the time of the investigation’s questioning, the woman did admit to being involved, but denied driving the vehicle and refused to tell them who had been driving.  In this way of the incident, she was charged with driving with an expired driver’s license, operating a motor vehicle while under the influence, and leaving the scene of an accident. Investigators also stated that the hotel’s receptionist had told officers that the woman had admitted to her, to driving the vehicle when it crashed and had been drinking. In short, her Facebook messages with the random person lead to her being apprehended.

The woman admitted to having drunk alcohol about two hours before the crash and an initial breathalyzer test showed she had a blood alcohol level of 0.12 percent. Further investigations are being carried out by police and the woman is still under investigation.