Your Buffalo DWI Defense Attorney…
A DWI charge is a serious criminal charge in New York State. A conviction can result in thousands of dollars in fines, loss of driving privileges, higher insurance premiums, a criminal record, and even jail time. If you have been arrested or charged with a DWI in the Buffalo area, you need to contact the Law Offices of Dominic Saraceno right away.
If you are a person of interest, under investigation, or are being prosecuted for a felony or misdemeanor need a criminal defense prepared by an criminal defense attorney. Mr. Saraceno will work to get a dismissal, reduction in charges, or having the criminal charges dropped altogether.
If your DWI case goes to trial…
If your DWI case goes to trial you, want an experienced trial attorney representing you in the courtroom. Mr. Saraceno’s high profile cases have been featured on the local TV news and in the Buffalo News and Niagara Gazette. Mr. Saraceno's long track record of criminal defense success will give you the best chance you have to defend your rights in this moment of crisis.
If your DWI case goes to trial…
Free DWI Defense legal consultation…
By now you probably have a million questions about what happens next. All you need to do now is call Dominic Saraceno’s number today at (716) 626-7007. Mr. Saraceno returns all calls promptly if you get his voicemail. Schedule a free legal consultation today so that you can begin to get your life back.